Monday, November 16, 2009

Med slør og høje hæle

En serie om sider af Mellemøsten som vi ikke troede fandtes. Sendes hver søndsg på DR1. Se når Anja Al-Erhayem er i Jerusalem. Her møder hun unge jøder, der er stolte af deres baggrund og land.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

De unges guide til Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv-Yafo
Af Mikkel Sander Rydzy og Pia Glud Munksgaard
Tirsdag den 10. november 2009

Israels Tel Aviv er en suveræn blanding af sand, vand, strand, fest, farver og falafel - de lokale unge viser vej til det bedste i deres by.


En flybillet til Tel Aviv koster omkring 3.500 kroner.

En taxa fra lufthavnen og ind til midtbyen koster omkring 200 kroner.

Nogle hostels kan arrangere transport fra lufthavnen for dig.

Du kan overnatte på hostel i fællesrum for omkring 100 kroner per nat, for eksempel på Hostel Hayarkon 48 og Momo’s (Ben Yehuda Street 28), som begge ligger få hundrede meter fra stranden.

Værd at vide:

Afstandene i Tel Aviv er ikke så store, så du kan nå de fleste steder til fods. Men er du træt i benene, kan du tage almindelige busser eller de mindre cherutter, der kører, så snart de er fyldt.

Husk at give drikkepenge – i hvert fald 10 pct.

En hovedret koster fra omkring 50 kroner.

En øl i byen får du fra omkring 20 kroner.

Der er ikke meget kriminalitet i byen. Hav alligevel altid dit pas på dig.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jagten på en fredelig løsning

Nov. 9

I dag mødtes den israelske premiereminister Benyamin Netanyahu med præsident Obama i Det Hvide Hus i forsøget på at sætte skub i de stivnede fredsforhandlinger. Det sker i en periode med fortsat udvidelse af bosættelser på Vestbredden, og hvor den moderate palæstinensiske leder Mahmoud Abbas for nyligt meldte sin snarlige afgang på posten. Spørgsmålet er om fred overhovedet er mulig under de nuværende omstændigheder? Se med i aften, hvor Israels viceudenrigsminister, Danny Ayalon, gæster Deadline 22.30.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lieberman: 'Ties with Diaspora vital against Iran'

Jerusalem Post By TOVAH LAZAROFF Nov 10, 2009 12:44

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman compared Iran's regime with the Nazis when he spoke Monday in Copenhagen at a special ceremony in memory of the Danish Jews who were sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp during World War II.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman lays a wreath in memory of the Danish Jews who were sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, during a ceremony in Copenhagen, Monday.

Photo: Foreign Ministry

"Once again we are standing against those who have threatened to exterminate Jews, and not just those who live in Israel," said Lieberman.

He accused the Iranian regime of funding global terrorism and of specific activities against Jews.

"The Jewish state is responsible for Jewish communities throughout the world, and those communities have a responsibility to Israel," he said.

These joint ties were essential in the fight against the threat from Iran, Lieberman said.

"The fight against the Iranian threat is one of the greatest challenges the democratic world faces today," he said.

The foreign minister thanked the Danes for risking their lives during World War II to rescue most of Danish Jewry from the Nazis.

"Denmark will always have a special place in the history and heart of the Jewish nation," Lieberman said.

During the day, Lieberman met with Gitte Lillelund Bech, chairperson of the Danish parliament's Foreign Policy Committee which plans to visit Israel in the near future.

He also spoke with Danish Minister for Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs Birthe Rønn Hornbech about the dangers of Islamic extremists within Europe who abuse the freedom of the democracies in which they live to incite and inflame hatred, particularly against Jews.

Lieberman and his deputy foreign minister are on a five day visit to Denmark and the Netherlands that ends on Thursday.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Den grønne side af Israel

Der fokuseres i øjeblikket meget på Cleantech op til Klimakonference i december fra israelsk side. Israelerne kender til den danske model og ser Danmark som forgangsland indenfor vedvarende energi. Israel ligger på femte pladsen i top 10 af de lande, der har mest fokus på Cleantech, Danmark ligger på første pladsen.

Derfor har det også været naturligt for Shai Agassi fra Better Place at se mod, samt promovere, sit storstilet projektet om elbiler i Danmark. I samarbejde med DONG energy ønskes, det at sætte elbiler på markedet, hvor batteriet kan skiftes for at fremme køreglæden for alle, og ikke kun for folk, der kører korte distancer.

Ovennævnte eksempel er sikkert det første, der tænkes på når man tænker Cleantech i Israel. Men Israel har en længere historie indenfor vedvarende energi, der kommer til udtryk i deres forskning og R&D, men også at der findes over 100 virksomheder indenfor vedvarende energi, der generer millioner af dollar hvert år.

Israel var et af de første lande til at anvende solenergi til opvarmning. Den dag i dag udgører 14-22 procent af elektriciteten, der udbydes i Israel af energi fra solpaneler. Særligt kendte er virksomhederne Orbotech og Camtek. Et andet aspekt er udvindelse af geotermal power som Ormat er kendt for.

Der kigges også mod vindenergi i Israel, men mere på teknologien bag at få mest muligt ud af elektriciteten, der genereres af vindmøllerne. Elspec er et førende firma for at få mest muligt ud af motorerne i vindmøllerne, de har også Danmark i kiggerten, men det er et emne Vestas og Greentech selv forsker meget i.

Ud over solenergi som er udbredt i Israel er også vandteknologi. Hvert år i november afholdes WATEC som belyser forskellig teknologi til at rense, oplagering, og udvindning af vand indenfor adskillige sektorer. Israel var et af de første lande til at forske og udføre rensning af salt vand, dette forskes der stadigvæk i for at nedsætte omkostningerne. For første gang deltager en større dansk delegation i WATEC i år, det bliver spændende at følge om der kommer flere projekter mellem Danmark og Israel i fremtiden.

For mere information læs:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Better Place will spend $1.1b on Israeli electric car project

Dubi Ben-Gedalyahu - Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on November 4, 2009

Better Place will have to invest $1.1 billion over the next six years to buy the batteries and build the battery replacement centers and recharging points for its electric car venture in Israel alone, according to a report by Deutsche Bank on electric cars.

Over the past year, Deutsche Bank conducted an in-depth analysis of Better Place's business plans and economic model, which includes the capital investment (for purchasing the batteries), locking in energy costs with long-term contracts with utilities, and payment by customers through subscriber fees.

Deutsche Bank concludes that most of model's profitability comes from the arbitrage gap between the wholesale purchase price of the electricity and the price of fuel. The bank estimates that as the global price of oil rises, and as governments increase incentives for emissions-free vehicles, the arbitrage gap will widen, rendering Better Place's business model more attractive.

Deutsche Bank believes that Better Place's model could be feasible even without government aid, but mainly in specific areas around the world with high fuel prices and relatively long journeys. The bank figures are partly based on Better Place's own estimates.

The bank estimates that the company could achieve a 5% share of Israel's vehicle fleet by 2016, amounting to 110,000 electric vehicles.

This 110,000 figure is based on a net annual growth rate of 14,000-30,000 subscribers a year in 2012-16. Deutsche Bank believes that if this target is reached, and assuming average annual revenue of $4,250 per subscriber, Better Place could see $500 million revenue a year by the end of 2016.

Deutsche Bank estimates that the majority of Better Place's investment will be capital investment in buying the batteries. Deutsche Bank expects the cost of the batteries to gradually drop from $14,000 each today to $9.500 each in 2015. Assuming 110,000 cars by 2016, the investment could reach $1 billion. In addition, Better Place will have to invest $25 million to set up 50 battery replacement centers, and up to $57 million to set up 77,000 recharging points at $750 per point.

Israeli scientists find stroke drug could help cure cancer

By Ofri Ilani, Haaretz Correspondent

Israeli scientists have identified a substance that can kill cancerous cells without harming healthy ones, paving the way for more effective cancer treatment.

The findings by researchers at Tel Aviv University and Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, were published in the current issue of the international peer-reviewed journal Breast Cancer Research.

"We actually found the Achilles heel of the cancer cell," said Prof. Malka Cohen-Armon from Tel Aviv University, who headed the research team. "As soon as you can target cancerous cells without killing healthy ones, you can produce medications that would cause a lot less suffering to the patient. We can even give a much more aggressive treatment without worrying about harming healthy tissues."

The substance identified by the researchers, which delays cell proliferation in healthy and cancerous cells, is a component of a drug developed a decade ago to preserve nerve cells and prevent them from dying after a stroke.

But while the drug causes the rapid death of cancer cells, healthy cells activate a mechanism that overcomes the delay in proliferation within hours, and those cells continue to proliferate exactly like cells not exposed to the substance.

Cohen-Armon said the drug's effectiveness in treating cancer cells was discovered accidentally.

"I'm not even a cancer researcher," she said. "But two years ago an article we published on various functions in the cell got me interested in cancer cells."

She said the scientists involved in the discovery - who include doctoral student Asher Castiel and Professor Shai Izraeli's research group at the Sheba Cancer Research Center - haven't figured out why the drug affects the cells the way it does.

"We don't even fully understand why this is happening, but we see cancerous cells die and healthy cells overcome this obstacle," said Cohen-Armon. "They somehow find a way to proliferate even in the presence of the substance."

She said the drug was tested on several types of cancer, but so far only the breast cancer tests results have been published.

The experiment has been carried out on female mice, which were injected with human cancerous cells. The substance was gradually released over two weeks. The mice that weren't treated with the substance developed malignant tumors - but in those that got the treatment, the substance either prevented or significantly stalled the development of the cancerous cells.

The experiments did not find any changes in the behavior of the mice treated with the substance.

One of the obstacles to applying the discovery to all forms of cancer is that the medicine is registered as a patent of an American pharmaceutical company. Tel Aviv University's technology transfer company, Ramot, has secured a usage patent enabling it to develop the drug to treat only breast cancer.

The future development of the drug depends on the goodwill of the American company, or on another company developing a similar substance.

"We really want to develop this drug, but there are some completely non-scientific obstacles," Cohen-Armon said. "I hope the research doesn't fade away because of that."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Israel: Leader of business innovation

Dan Senor, co-author of 'Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle,' discusses with CNBC how Israel has managed to become a leader in business innovation and how Israel as one of the few countries have not been hit by the financial crisis.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Israelsk forsker får nobelpris

Nobelprisen i kemi gik i år til tre personer. To amerikanske professorer, Thomas A. Steitz og Venkatraman Ramakrishnan samt den israelsk forsker, Ada E. Yonath modtog hædersbevisningen for deres forskning i ribosomer.

Ribosomer er en af livets kernefunktioner, som det er lykkedes de tre forskere at kortlægge helt ned på atom-niveau. Det har de formået ved en metode kaldet krystalografi, en teknik der bruger røntgenstråling til at danne sig billeder af hvordan ribosomerne ser ud.

Med denne nye viden har forskerne fået en bedre forståelse af de processer som ribosomerne styrer. De er nemlig den ”maskine” der er med til at skabe nye proteiner som er en af hovedingrediensen i celleopbygningen.

På længere sigt vil denne nye viden om ribosomerne blive udnyttet til sygdomsbekæmpelse.


P1 Business har i dag dedikeret deres udsendelse på at belyse elbilen. I programmet diskuteres de to forskellige slags elbiler der kommer på det danske markede. Better Places model med batteri stationer og ChoosEV som i samarbejde med Sixt vil leje elbiler der skal lades op ved standere.

Progammet kan genhøres lørdag den 10.10 kl. 13.03 på P1 Business og igen søndag den 11.10 kl. 6.03

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome to the new Economic Attaché

After 4 years stationed in The Hague and responsible for the Trade Office in Denmark Economic Attaché Roey Fisher is going back to Israel.

His predecessor is Mr. Yaron Schrotter. He is already very busy in the new job working on Medica in Germany and WATEC in Israel in November and Bright Green in December for COP15.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dear Sir or Madam

As a Danish company that is interested in the Israeli market, you have a new opportunity to be exposed to companies that are looking specifically for you, at : Israel - World Trade Center. is the first trading arena, providing a worldwide Business-to-Business Platform between Israel and the world.

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Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

We hope to see you among members.

Best Regards,

IsraelWTC Management
Phone: +972-3-6041650
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

IL-DK double taxation convention

Israel and Denmark finally sign the new convention regarding double taxation after nearly one year of making.

Yesterday the official signing of the DTC took place with H.E. Ambassador Arthur Avnon and Minister of Taxation Mr. Kristian Jensen (V), it will be submitted to the Parliament for their approval. And it is expected that the DTC will be approved before the end of the year.

It is 43 years since Denmark and Israel initially made the agreement and the first time since 1966 that it has been modified.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bilateral research and development (R&D) cooperation between Denmark and Israel

In August 2007, a bilateral cooperation agreement between Denmark and Israel was signed in order to support and strengthen the joint industrial activities of the two countries within industrial R&D, with particular focus on the sectors of biotech (life science) and ICT.

These joint activities incorporate especially participation in conferences as well as matchmaking events which should convey a fertile ground for R&D cooperation between Danish and Israeli companies and/or universities.

For more information please visit:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Israel Scandinavia Business

Ambassaden er i tæt kontakt med udgiverne Maxine Levite og Robert Bachmann som igennem flere år har produceret IsraelScandinavia Business Magazine om det nyeste mellem dansk/skandinavisk og israelsk handel. Bladet omhandler de nyeste emner på markedet og har i tidligere tidskrifter behandlet alt fra biotek til elbilen. Bladet udgives to gange om året og udgiverne er altid meget glade for indslag og kommentarer.

Såfrem du ønsker et eksemplar bedes du kontakte handelskontoret:

Anfør venligst dit navn, adresse, og hvormange blade du ønsker.

WATEC 2009

Handelskontoret er kommet i besiddelse af det nyeste information til WATEC 2009, hvis du er interesseret i at læse mere om dette, sender vi gerne information ud.

Send venligst en mail til:

med dit navn, adresse og hvilke firma du repræsenterer, og hvormange brochurer du ønsker tilsendt.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trade Office- Update

I thought I would take the time to tell about the up-coming events that the Trade Office will be involved in the following months.

Eventhough most people are enjoying the sunshine and vacation time, we are already thinking ahead. The first coming event is the annual IBC in Amsterdam 11-15 September,

"IBC is the leading international forum for the electronic media industry, attracting 49,000+ visitors and 1,300+ exhibitors from more than 130 countries. It combines a highly respected and peer reviewed conference, an exhibition that demonstrates state of the art media technology and unrivalled networking opportunities."

Our work at the Trade office will be to find relevant Danish companies that match Israeli ones to promote business. This is mainly done by setting up face to face meetings.

For more information please visit

Right after our work is done at IBC and the event is successfully over we will start preparing for WATEC in Tel Aviv 17-19 November,

"WATEC 09 is the international showcase of technologies, products, and services to support a sustainable economy. With water and energy challenges at the top of the global agenda, WATEC 09 features compelling solutions and proven, practical applications in areas such as water and energy efficiency, water quality, desalination, and water supply."

A Danish delegation will be attending this year and we hope that they will be impressed and make it an annual event as the BIOTECH in Israel has become.

For more information please visit

The last event of 2009 will be in December for the Climate Convention - COP15 that Denmark is hosting- already now we are trying to find the most relevant events for Israeli companies to visit - this you will read much more about later.

I wish everybody a very nice and warm summer!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Tirsdag den 30. juni afholdte Ambassaden, i samarbejde med Rasmus Vejbæk, ejeren af Rotunden i Hellerup, vinsmagning af israelske vine fra vinhusene Binyamina og Tulip. Anledningen var at disse vine nu forhandles i Super Best i Hellerup.

Det var en stor succes med deltagelse af repræsentanter fra vinhusene samt en israelsk kok, der supplerede med en menu, der fremtonede de komplicerede nuancer i vinene.

Læs gerne artiklen om aftenen "Ambassador offers a taste of Israel" i Copenhagen Post, fredag den 3. juli.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Samarbejde i den biomedicinske industri

Det bliver ofte diskuteret om Skåne nu er - eller ikke er - eller burde være en del af Danmark!

Når det gælder den danske biomedicinske industri, så er Skåne for et par år siden smeltet sammen med Sjælland i det, som med henvisning til den amerikanske hightechs højborg Sillicon Valley, kaldes Medicon Valley.

Ved at slå virksomheder, der omfatter medicinalindustrier, biotekniske inkubatorer samt forskning på hospitaler og universiteter på Sjælland og i Skåne, sammen, har man skabt et af de stækest voksende bio-medicinske områder i Europa.

Her opstår der idéer og udvikles lægemidler og diagnostisk apparatur og -metode i verdensklasse.

Men i vor globaliserede verden kommer der sjældent meget godt ud af at lukke døren og være selvtilstrækkelig, og det er blandt andet derfor det danske videnskabsministerium har indgået en række bilaterale aftaler med lande som dansk videnskabelig forskning og industri kan have glæde af at udveksle ideer og erfaringer med.

Et af de lande der netop udmærker sig ved at have om muligt endnu mere fart på end Danmark når det gælder bio-teknologi og bio-medicin, er Israel.

Så for to år siden indgik Danmark og Israel en aftale om at samarbejde.

Derfor var Det danske Videnskabsministerium og flere danske biomedinske virksomheder i sidste uge i Tel Aviv til en stor international kongres for bl.a at præsentere Danmark. Interview med Jens Peter Vittrup fra Videnskabsministeriets innovationscenter og professor Eva Steiness, der er direktør i et af Danmarks yngste biomedicinske firmaer Neoloch.

24. juni 2009 kl. 17:10 på P1

· Samarbejde i den biomedicinske industri (11:18)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stellar Start-Ups: Multinational R&D centers as start-ups

They may be owned by large multinationals, but the research-and-development centers in Israel are more like start-ups, at least in spirit. They tackle thorny problems for their parent companies and invent new products and services that sometimes go on to change the direction of the multinationals, who find that the new product developed by their Israeli R&D unit has given them access to whole new markets and customers!

Like a start-up, a R&D center is expected to be innovative, flexible and generate new investments for its owners.

Without innovation, large companies end up stultifying; many of them rely on their R&D units to come up with the new innovations that will allow them to maintain their edge in the market. And many multinationals see Israel as their best bet when it comes to R&D, because of Israel's proven track record when it comes to innovation.

"We've found a huge pool of scientists, engineers and mathematicians full of innovative ideas. Israelis tend to think 'out of the box,' a trait highly valued at Google," says Brand.

I could go on and on - but you get the idea. Multinationals like Microsoft, Cisco and many others see their R&D centers as a great vehicle with which to tap into the "start-up spirit" of Israeli hi-tech professionals. In the words of Microsoft Israel CEO Danny Yamin, "Microsoft sees Israel as an excellent source of innovative workers, and we at MS Israel are proud of our contribution to Microsoft's worldwide development."

And Cisco's Israel director Bina Rezinovsky recently told the Post that "Israelis are imaginative, and they are familiar with technology, two traits that make the human resources of the country very valuable to Cisco."

They're just the traits that make start-ups so dynamic and innovative. Times may be tough, but they won't be forever. And when the economy does improve, Israeli hi-tech will be in a position to roar ahead, with the multinationals continuing to tap into their R&D "start-ups" for their next big thing!

Source: Jerusalem Post, David Shamah 03/05/2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bravo, Economy!

Jun. 16, 2009
There was little hoopla locally yesterday, but there should have been: Israel's economy was upgraded by Morgan Stanley Capital Index (MSCI) from "emerging market" status and accorded recognition as a full-fledged "developed market."

This is no mean feat for a young country, a severely embattled one with few natural resources; one where virtually everything had to be started from scratch, often under the most adverse of conditions - including belligerence, boycotts and bad press.

MSCI is the world's leading provider of investment decision criteria for investment institutions. MSCI grading allows investors effective data-driven insights into various financial markets around the globe.

The MSCI did more than pat Israel on the back. In the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, this is regarded as breaking the glass ceiling. Israel has been admitted to play in the exclusive and prestigious top league. This will surely make the competition tougher and require greater efforts and initiative, but it stands to attract investment opportunities incomparable to those that existed previously.

To put the reclassification into context, we need to realize that when it takes effect, in May 2010, Israel will rank 18th among the 24 developed market members, with a similar market weight to Denmark and Belgium and greater than Norway, Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal and Greece.

Further perspective is added by the fact that though South Korea's upgrading was mulled as well, it failed to make the grade this year and will be reevaluated in 2010, when Taiwan will also be up for possible promotion from emerging to developed market. Oil-rich United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait were being considered for advancement from their current "frontier market" status into the "emerging market" classification - which Israel has now outgrown. These Gulf States, however, it was decided, will remain where they are, their opulence notwithstanding.

WHY WAS Israel thus honored? Plainly, because we are doing well. With $134.5 billion in stock-market value, the TASE outdid most of its counterparts globally during the present crisis. The TA-25 Index of Tel Aviv shares surged 30 percent from January, beating 20 out of 23 developed markets tracked by MSCI.

Long-term, Israeli technology, pharmaceuticals and chemical companies are likely to be the reclassification's most outstanding beneficiaries. Yet in the short haul, trepidation surfaced. The very news that Israel is about to be sent to play in the big league contributed to significant TASE losses on Monday.

While the upgrade testifies to the strength of Israel's marketplace, there was safety in the big-frog-in-the-little-pond position. Now it is feared that some Israeli equities will become less attractive - a calculation which has indeed led to some sell-offs. Israeli securities might no longer be snapped up as thrift-store bargains, and Israel's overall share in the developed markets group will be considerably more modest than it was among the emerging (mostly Third World and East European) markets.

Funds that invest in emerging markets will probably be pulling out. Nonetheless, the cumulative effect of the negative aspects of the change will be far outweighed by the opening of new investment vistas.

The long-range outlook is far better than could have been expected just a few months back. Indeed, the Bank of Israel is expected to update its pessimistic predictions for 2009. There will still be negative growth, but not quite as bad as initially forecast.

Overall, the sense in the BOI is that the Israeli public isn't as gloomy as is common abroad, and that the global recession hasn't impacted Israel as drastically as it has other countries. Had Israel been in Europe, it would now rank fourth in growth on the continent.

THE acknowledgment of Israel as a developed market is more than just a merit badge. It carries with it real value in facilitating durable economic transactions with multinational partners. Israel's inclusion among the world's top markets is bound to alleviate investor anxieties, particularly during these times of acute risk-aversion.

We ought to congratulate ourselves on our tiny, beleaguered country's achievements, welcome the recognition these achievements are receiving from objective international assessors, and do our utmost to justify the confidence we inspire.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

DR Udland

DR Udland på DR2 har lavet nogle forskellige indslag om Israel, særligt interessant er indslaget om solceller.

Besøg venligst:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Risø International Energy Conference 14-16 September 2009

The conference aims at identifying energy solutions on local, regional and global level which can lead to a peak in CO2 emissions in 2015-2020 and a 50% reduction before 2050.

Furthermore the focus will be on the development of new technologies and how these can result in efficient improvements.

To sign up for this event please visit:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


COP15 is the big subject on the agenda in Denmark. It is held in Copenhagen from 7 to 19 December. The first week will mainly be seminars and the last week will focus on the UN seminar.

Already now there are being held different workshops on what should be raised on the actual seminars so please notify following links for updates and information. especially visit the Climate Consortium

The Trade Office will of course also write on the blog of events of special interest for Israeli companies.

Besøg Israel

Børsen kører en serie med rejseberetninger omhandlende Israel. For at læse artiklerne i fuld format besøg venligst:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Elbilen eventyr

I sidste uge blev batteristationen, der er det bærende element i elbilprojektet "Better Place" en realitet.

Der har som udgangspunkt været fokus på infrastruktur for elbilprojektet. Better Place har haft et ønske om, at udskiftningen af batteriet ville være som en normal optankning af fossil, et minut, dette blev gennemført ved demonstrationen sidste uge. Derved har de opnået et af deres vigtigste mål.

Et andet mål er at der kun skal være 30 km mellem opladningsstationerne, da mange muligvis fravælger elbilen, i og med, at de føler sig begrænset ved kun at kunne køre 160 km på en opladning.

Læs mere i Børsen's klima tillæg fra den 18. maj 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Læs senest nyt om El-bil projektet

Danske DONG og Better Place, nævnes i Wall Street Journal:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Israelske velhavere på københavnsk storindkøb

De israelske rigmænd bag firmaet Trackside Holding, Yakir Gabay og Teddy Sagi, arbejder på at overtage københavnske ejendomme for flere mia. kr. fra islandske Landic. De har allerede postet et anseeligt beløb i Landics danske selskab.

Til den danske offentlighed er deres navne fuldstændig ukendte. Men i Tyskland hvor deres selskab er registreret er de to herre kendt som hotelkonger. Gabay, der tidligere var ansat i det israelske Finanstilsyn, opbyggede hotelimperiet Grand City der er det næststørste i Tyskland med 75 hoteller fordelt i Tyskland, Amsterdam, Prag og Budapest. Endvidere administerer Gabay 20 hoteller i Mark-kæden som Sagi bragte under duoens vinger.

Sagi grundlagde sin formue på software til internet-casioner, med firmaet Playtech, og er nummer 30 på Forbes liste over israels rigeste.

Læs hele artiklen i Berlingske Tidende- Business tirsdag den 21. April 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weekend i verdens helligste stad

"Jerusalem er et utroligt fascinerende og betagende smukt sted, der bærer følelserne udenpå".

Læs Politiken's guide til 48 timer i Jerusalem af Marcus Rubin fra den 3. April 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Better Place, DONG Energy Close 103M Euro (770M Danish Kroner) Investment for Denmark Electric Car Network

Jens Moberg Named CEO of Better Place Denmark, Head of EMEA Business Development COPENHAGEN, Denmark

Better Place, the world`s leading mobility operator, today announced in
conjunction with DONG Energy, that it has closed approximately €103 million Euro (770 million Danish Kroner) in equity and convertible debt for the initial deployment of their electric car charging network in Denmark. Under the terms of the agreement, DONG Energy will assist in the Better Place Denmark network rollout as well as be the preferred supplier of renewable energy to power the network. The move sets the stage for Better Place and DONG Energy to execute as planned against their commitment to enable the widespread adoption of mass-market vehicles by 2011.

In conjunction with today`s news, Better Place named Jens Moberg as Head of Better Place Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Business Development and Chief Executive Officer of Better Place Denmark. As CEO, Mr. Moberg will focus on establishing Denmark as its first operation in Europe and play a significant role in expanding Better Place to other European countries. He joins Better Place Denmark from Microsoft Corp., where he was responsible for developing and growing Microsoft`s multi-billion dollar enterprise business in Russia, India and China. Mr. Moberg`s appointment is effective February 2.

"With the U.N. Summit on Climate Change around the corner, Denmark has the opportunity to demonstrate to the world what the future of transportation will look like," said Shai Agassi, Founder and CEO, Better Place. "In Jens Moberg, we`ve selected a world-class business executive to help us implement our model in Denmark, which will serve as a showcase for Europe and the rest of the world as they come to Copenhagen for COP15 in December."

"Our goal in investing in Better Place Denmark is to help reduce CO2 emissions and increase the consumption of sustainable energy by capturing and leveraging wind power more efficiently," said Anders Eldrup, CEO and President, DONG Energy. "Under Jens Moberg`s leadership, we look forward to making the Better Place vision a reality in Denmark for the entire world to see."

"Denmark has long been a leader in implementing change through progressive environmental policies and innovation," said Jens Moberg, CEO, Better Place Denmark. "I firmly believe that the economics of a green industry such as sustainable mobility provide a compelling return for investors while creating jobs for industry and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions for the health of our people. I look forward to working with my new colleagues at Better Place along with Anders and the DONG Energy team on this exciting new venture."

Denmark, which has access to depleting oil reserves in the North Sea, currently generates approximately 20 percent of its electric power from wind-generating utilities, including DONG Energy. To date, seven percent of wind-generated power within Denmark is exported to other countries because there is no way for utilities to store the excess power. With the Better Place model, Denmark now has the opportunity to leverage the existing electric grid and electric vehicle batteries to harness and store the abundance of wind-generated power and distribute appropriately for transportation consumption.

The Danish government encourages its society to switch from petrol-based cars to zero emission vehicles and is committed to helping the country reduce its CO2 emissions by 21 percent by 2012. Just by switching all vehicles to electric, Denmark could effectively reduce its current CO2 emissions by 17 percent. Today, the Danish government incents consumers to purchase zero emission vehicles by applying zero tax for zero emission vehicles while applying up to a 180 percent
tax on the purchase of petrol-based cars.

In March 2008, Better Place named Better Place Denmark as its second operator following Israel, which recently unveiled its first installed electric charge spots. Starting in 2011 through the extensive network, The Renault-Nissan Alliance will begin to commercialize a complete range of EVs especially adapted to Danish customer requirements. These cars will benefit from the Better Place mobility services and products.

About Better Place

Better Place, the world`s leading mobility operator, aims to end the world`s dependence on oil for personal transportation by building a network for charging electric cars powered by renewable energy. Better Place enables markets to switch to a sustainable transportation model, reducing oil dependency and greenhouse gas emissions while fueling the "green" economy. With initial venture funding of $200 million, Better Place began deployment in Israel in 2008 and will begin operating the network of charge spots and battery switch stations in 2010. The company plans similar network deployments in Denmark, Australia,California, Hawaii and Ontario, Canada. With the network in place, Better Place buys batteries and clean electricity and sells miles/kilometers to provide drivers a convenient, affordable and sustainable alternative for mobility. More information is available at

Copyright Business Wire 2009
Published by Reuters Tuesday 27 January 2009