Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why you should meet us at IBC!

Israel has more than 700 New Media companies whose offerings span the range of new media possibilities. They are active in internet applications and services, e-commerce and marketing, online advertising, entertainment and video, search and social networks. They are also dynamic players in broadcast, digital and cable TV, IPTV and satellite services, strong in content creation, delivery and management, and have a potent presence in gaming.

Revenue statistics for the group are impressive: nearly $2 billion in 2008 derived from a mix of direct exports and value-added sales recorded abroad.

We are committed to advance the Israeli New Media industry by bringing together Israeli New Media companies with Broadcasters, Content Providers, Publishers, Media Companies and Operators from around the world.

Trade Office- Update

I thought I would take the time to tell about the up-coming events that the Trade Office will be involved in the following months.

Eventhough most people are enjoying the sunshine and vacation time, we are already thinking ahead. The first coming event that we will work on in July/August is the annual IBC in Amsterdam 9-14 September,

"IBC is the leading international forum for the electronic media industry, attracting 49,000+ visitors and 1,300+ exhibitors from more than 130 countries. It combines a highly respected and peer reviewed conference, an exhibition that demonstrates state of the art media technology and unrivalled networking opportunities."

Our work at the Trade office will be to find relevant Danish companies that match Israeli ones to promote business. This is mainly done by setting up face to face meetings.

For more information please visit:

We will continue our work on Cleantech to bring a Israeli delegation to Denmark in November 2010. As part of this the Trade Office plan to visit prominent companies in Jutland in August to find the right connections for the delegation.

Also we are looking into hosting a wine event in the early autumn months.

We wish all the readers a wonderful summer!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


“EUREKA is more than an organisation, it is an ambition: to become the leading platform for R&D-performing entrepreneurs in Europe and beyond. EUREKA R&D is industry-led, applied, close-to-market — with tangible results and visible benefits.”

Formålet med EUREKA er af øge konkurrenceevnen og innovationen i den europæiske industri.

Det gøres ved at etablere fælles markedsnære forsknings- og innovationsprojekter mellem virksomheder, universiteter og andre videninstitutioner.

EUREKA blev etableret i 1985 og har i dag 38 medlemmer heriblandt EU-kommissionen. Gennem EUREKA-samarbejdet koordineres nationale tilskudsordninger, så der kan etableres tværnationale projektkonsortier. Hvis man skal opnå tilskud til et EUREKA projekt forudsætter det altså, at projektet ligger inden for rammerne af både det underliggende nationale tilskudsprogram og EUREKA, samt at de nationale myndigheder der har ansvaret for de pågældende ordninger har kunne godkendes deres del af projektet.

Strukturen for Eureka, er at formandskabet går på skift af medlemmerne. Israel overtog den 25. juni formandskabet og har det indtil juni 2011.

Ved fejring af Eureka’s 25 års jubilæum, vil det israelske formandskab fokusere på at styrke Eureka’s position i ERA, og gøre det til den fortrukne innovative platform for markedsorienterede R&D, udviklingsmuligheder, service og vil samarbejde med Kommissionen, og andre vigtige nøglepersoner for at løse denne opgave.

Det israelske formandskab vil bestræbe sig på at implementere sine målsætninger i påskønnelsen af, og fortsættelsen af, de tidligere resultater, og vil dele med netværket Israel’s bedste praksis for innovation management og investeringsmodeller.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Israel has the chairmanship of Eureka

From today Israel has the chaírmanship of Eureka till July 2011.

We will write more on what to expect while they have the chairmanship and the collaboration in Eureka and Eurostars projects.

For now find more info on:

Radio Interview with the Chairman of the Strategic Research Council

For our English readers we have translated the radio interview with Chairman of the Strategic Research Council Prof. Mr. Peter Olesen

DR – Danish Broadcoast. P1 orientering 23.06.2010, at 17.10

In the fabled past scientists were often men, who on a regular basis made great inventions in laboratories and libraries. The World was innocent and almost all science made was what we today call basic science.

Now days our knowledge within all sort of disciplines are enormous, and our society is often referred to as a scientific society.

This is a mistake, thinks the Chairman of the Strategic Research Council Peter Olesen. We are living in an innovative society and exactly therefore it is important to make a clear strategy for where in can pays off for Denmark to concentrate on science.

Orientering’s Hanne Foighel has spoken to Peter Olesen when he last week went on a field trip to a country, which is almost synonym with the term innovation, Israel.

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HF: Research should be relevant; research should also be useful, it should have an effect for the research environment, for the society and for the industry. It is central for when a small state as Denmark is making a strategy to, for what, and where research funding should be staked. This is what the Chairman of the Strategic Research Council Peter Olesen expresses when we meet in the humid, hot, Tel Aviv with air-conditions as a background noise.

PO: What defines strategic research is; unlike many other research areas, where one strives to hand out the all the best research, where it may be, or which areas it may cover, political. It is research in areas where one expects at greater significance than in other areas. Especially in this brutal global competitive situation that we find us in, then there are areas there are more important for our growth, welfare and the society’s existence etc.

HF: Denmark has a lot of unique research in the fields of nano technology, classic biotechnology, advanced bio informatics and the use of computers for the administration of biological information. And the Strategic Research Council has already in its plan FORSK 2015, which was published 2 years ago, pointed out what is important for environmental research, food, energy and transport, health and many other areas. Still it upsets Peter Olesen that the general perception is that the Danish society is a scientific society because it’s is not

PO: When we speak of research and strategic research and many other kinds of research there is still a general perception both in the society amongst the politicians but also to a certain degree at the universities and other places that we are living in a scientific society, where the most important issue is to generate as much knowledge/research in wide areas, because we never know where there is a need for it. Maybe this has been a good practice for some years but it does not take in to account that we actually do no live in a scientific society any longer. We have seen the development from the classic industrial society to the welfare society to the scientific society. But what we actually are living in is a brutal competitive and an innovative society; this means that there is great strain on transferring our knowledge, our research to innovation. And when I say innovation it is not only new products in companies but innovation in the society. It demands to a high degree that the public and private sector work together. We need innovation, and smarter ways to carry out things in the public system as much as we need it in the enterprises, because the competition is fierce, and we are probably also compelled to focus our research more that we are use to

HF: Peter Olsen has arrived to Tel Aviv with 20 representatives of the Danish bio medic industry. Together with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation they are the Danish “stand” at the annual international Biomed congress in Tel Aviv. Last year, where the Danish delegation was smaller, 3-4 EU sponsored projects between Danish and Israeli companies were a result of the congress. Peter Olesen has taken the opportunity to study what the Israelis do when it comes to the cooperation between innovation, universities and the industry

PO: Yes, this is one of the things that have really impressed me. When you look at the number of start up companies, the number of projects where you work together with some companies and universities compared to the populations size etc. Then Israel is found in the top well above USA which we normally always compare us with

HF: Peter Olesen was been impressed about the huge effort there is in Israel from the state and private funds to help the researchers transform their ideas to products that actually can be sold. It happens to often, he explains, that innovative projects falls into – what is called the “valley of death”. The idea is good but it cannot be transformed into business

PO: And here in Israel they have launched several systems to try to build a bridge over the “valley of death” to make a more coherent innovation process. I think we could learn a lot from this in Denmark

HF: Will you leave [Israel] with some useful ideas on which way we should proceed with research in Denmark

PO: Where I really have been inspired by Israel is in two areas. There exists a bilateral agreement between Israel and Denmark regarding research development between enterprises. I think, I have also received a good response, on this proposal in the meetings that I have had, the last two days with high level personnel, that we could think about expanding the agreement so it also includes, not only cooperation with companies, but also strategic research. Then we will link the strategic research closer to innovation.
The second thing that I am taking home with me is the practical organizing of the incubator principle, where you try to nurture the good ideas until they are able to work by themselves. We have spoken in Denmark about having some incubator systems, but we have been too preoccupied with the building the psychical frame that we have not had the financing in place. Here they have developed a system, where you have an incubator that is driven by professionals and with an investor behind it, so you can handpick the ideas and new thoughts from the academia and make small enterprises in the incubator that will be funded a long the way. It is a very interesting concept that I would like to establish in Denmark, maybe in collaboration with Israel, I do not know, but it does give food for thoughts. But we have to make the differentiation between what is important and what is mostly important otherwise it all becomes muddy.

Peter Olesen has since he returned home from Israel already met with the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation to tell her about the inspiration gained from the trip.

No. 1000

We have now passed a 1000 viewers of the blog! And we want to express our gratitude for all the readers.

We believe we can make it better so, if you have any suggestions, questions, to add to the blog you are always welcome to contact the Trade office at the Embassy.

Job opportunities

Lately the Trade Office has experienced an overwhelming interest from Israelies to work in Denmark. The office can not help these persons. It is not part of the tasks in the Trade Office to help people find jobs, it is too time consuming. We can ONLY help if the people have specific requests of wanting to work as an agent for an Israeli company, or a Danish company, and import Danish goods to Israel.

Thank for your understanding!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Managing Director

Hans Skov Christensen, Managing Director of the Federation of Danish Industries (DI), is retiring after 19 years in the position in DI. He has shaped DI to what we know today. Making it the biggest Federation in Denmark with 11.000 members and covering 8 sectors: Food, Trade, Transport, Counciling, Building, Service, IT-Tele, and that latest sustainable energy. He will leave the position when a replacement has been found.

Biomed 2010

This year’s BIOMED in Israel from the 14-16th June had for the 4th time a Danish delegation participating. This year was a mix of new contacts and old ones going back to Israel to find new contact or expand their work with existing contacts. All in all 15 companies were represented amongst these Novozymes, Novo Nordisk, Bioneer a VC company and in total 25 people occupied the stand. All companies had on the spot meetings and we must assume that more than 100 meetings took place.

As in the previous years it has been the Danish Embassy and DASTI that have been the organizers behind this successful event. This year our embassy was represented by our Economic Attaché Mr. Yaron Schrotter. He also assisted in setting up meetings for specific members of the delegation.
One of these was Prof. Mr. Peter Olesen from the Danish Strategic Research Council (this is a Council under DASTI), who was visiting Israel and Biomed for the first time. He was so impressed by what he saw and of the existing/future projects under Eureka/Eurostars that he wrote a memo to the Danish Minister of Science, Technology Mrs. Charlotte Sahl-Madsen (Conservative) about the possibility of expanding the bilateral work with Israel. He has also said the same in press:

“Vi lever i et innovationssamfund , og derfor er det vigtigt, at der lægges en nøje strategi for, hvor det kan betale sig for Danmark at sætte ind med forskning . Det siger formanden for Det Strategiske Forskningsråd , Peter Olesen. Han var for nylig på den årlige BioMed-konference i Tel Aviv i Israel, og han mener, at Danmark kan lære meget af Israel. I Israel bliver der nemlig gjort meget for at hjælpe forskerne med at få omsat deres ideer til produkter, der rent faktisk kan sælges. Peter Olesen foreslår, at Danmark udvider sin bilaterale aftale med Israel om forskningssamarbejde mellem virksomheder.”